5784-Which doors will open?

It's Rosh Hashanah again, the start of the Jewish new year. This day is also called the day of the shofar, which is blown approximately 100 times on this day.

We in the West do not follow the Jewish calendar, but that does not mean that it has no meaning, on the contrary, it is in accordance with the festivals and commandments that the Israelites received from God.

The Jewish or Hebrew era begins with the creation of the world, which, according to the Tenach, took place in the year 3761 BC.

The Tenach or Mikra is the Hebrew Bible containing the Law, the Prophets and the Holy Scriptures. 39 books that make up the Old Testament.

If we take those 3761 years to the birth of Jesus and then add the 2023 years since then, in a few weeks we will have the beginning of the Jewish year 5784.

As we know, Hebrew letters have numerical values that convey a clear message.

The last letter of 5784 determines the year, in this case the 4. de Dalet ד

Dalet means:“A door, a gate, a movement (inward or outward) like a door.”

What role will this door play in our lives this year?

One of the things we can certainly count on is a change in our environment. Just as every door in your home leads to a different room and environment, over the next twelve months we will be challenged to go through doors that lead us to a new environment.

Doors are a synonym for things that can happen to bring God's sovereign rule to a certain area.

When God opens a door, He is actually clearing the way for you to enter an area where His Lordship through you has the upper hand.

We see this clearly in Acts 5:17-21 where the apostles were captured and imprisoned.

In vers 19 it says: ""But at night an angel of the Lord opened the doors of the prison, and brought them out, and said, 'Go into the temple, and speak unto the people there concerning all things concerning the new life.' The apostles obeyed this and went up to the temple at daybreak, where they continued their teaching.”

God opened the way for them to continue the work He had given them..

Als God een deur opent, heeft dat altijd te maken met Zijn koninkrijk.

If the doors we would like to see open are private and have no further connection to God, chances are they will remain closed.

Too often we long for breakthroughs that benefit us rather than God.

Let us seek the doors He has intended for us.