A voice that speaks louder than our circumstances.

2023 is here and it's time to heed the words God has given us for this year and speak them over our lives.

A positive statement can make a big difference in your living conditions. Start this year with a positive statement about what you know God wants to do in your life.

It is understandable that this is not easy for us. The current times certainly do not give us cause for optimism, but if we talk negatively to others about the state of our current events, then there is no possibility for change.

Romans 12:2 is clear enough: ""Do not conform yourself to this world, but change yourselves by renewing your mind, so that you may discover what God wills and what is good and perfect and pleasing to him."

Not conforming means not agreeing. Bad events, even in our own lives, are not something we agree with.

We don't want to justify them, but we want to counter them by saying things that can mean a positive change.

In Ephesians 4:29 it says: “Don't say bad, negative things about people (or situations). But, if necessary, say things that will strengthen the faith of others. Say something that will do people good.” (Amplified)

The voice that speaks louder than our circumstances is the voice of the Lord within us. He speaks of positive change and encourages us to stand in faith.

To do this, we must renew our thinking. There must be a transformation of our mind.

A transformation of the mind leads to a recognizable change in the way a person lives his or her life.

As followers (disciples) of Jesus, we receive revelation from the Holy Ghost that changes our thinking. The mentality that God's Spirit creates in us is that of Christ.

That is why the apostle Paul could say:

1Corinthians 2:16 “… Now our thoughts are Christ's.”

By this, Paul seems to mean that believers, aided by the Holy Spirit, have gained access to the mind of Christ. We have been given the ability to see what He sees and to think what He thinks.

To that I can only say: let this mind be in us!

What does that mean practically? It means that every day we begin to think more and more like Jesus so that we can do what He did. Preach the good news, heal the sick, raise the dead, and destroy the works of the devil.

And the more we meditate on his word, the more our mind is in harmony with his mind, our thoughts are in harmony with his thoughts, and the more we begin to live the life he intended for us.

His life becomes our life, his mind, our mind, his heart, our heart, his desires, our desires, his love, our love, that is the oneness with Jesus in which we live today!

He is the voice that speaks louder than our circumstances!