If you watch the news, you would say that politics determines our future and their actions are responsible for the outcome.
Of course we can accept that and hope for the best, but what about our faith then?
If it is not my faith in God that determines my future, then what world am I living in?
God has a plan for our lives and to ensure that everything goes according to His plan, He has given us access to His supernatural power and even a secret intelligence service.
Our future is determined by our interaction with this wonderful provision, and His name is the Holy Spirit.
Acts 1:8 talks about the power He gives us…
But you will receive power when the Holy Spirit has come upon you, and you will be my witnesses in Jerusalem, in all Judea and Samaria, and to the ends of the earth.”
John 16:13 speaks of the revelations He gives us about the present and the future…
“The Spirit of truth, when He comes, will guide you into all truth. He will not speak on His own behalf, but He will speak what He hears and make known to you what is to come.””
Our future is in the hands of the Lord and He has commissioned the Holy Spirit to keep us informed. It is so important to know what is happening around us so that we can respond in a timely manner.
Right now we are in difficult times that are causing intense turbulence. There are storms all around us, and whether these storms can harm you depends on your obedience to the Lord's words.
In all these things we see the importance of the work of the Holy Spirit, especially His secret intelligence that tells us what to do.
The current financial situation and the consequences for the economy are cause for concern. This need not worry us if we have listened to the Lord's words and acted on them.
Our future is determined by our belief that God speaks to us through His Holy Spirit.
Our future is bright if we continue to look to the Lord and listen to the Holy Spirit.
It will be a stormy year, but rest assured, as long as you are grounded on the rock, it cannot harm you.
Don't just listen to God's Word, act on it and don't let the sound of the storm disturb you. The devil can make a lot of noise, but that's understandable when you have your foot on his head!