Who or what shall I believe?

Today we live in an information world. Everything we hear or see is based on information made available to us through the media.

We are responsible for interpreting this information and drawing the appropriate conclusions.

I cannot emphasize enough how important the gifts of the SPIRIT are, and in this case the gifts of a word of knowledge, a word of wisdom, and the gift of discerning of spirits. 1 Corinthians 12

Divine revelation and correct interpretation are the most important thing to be able to stand in faith.

Watch and listen to the news and pray that God will reveal the truth to you. What God then shows you will increase your faith and trust in Him and give you strength to hold on to His promises.

Every day we hear news that on the one hand gives us a little courage and on the other hand predicts a very negative future.

Unfortunately, the negative overshadows today's coverage. Driven by fear and doubt, such reporting leaves the wrong impression.

So it is important to have people who are not driven by fear and doubt, and who can communicate the things they hear and see in a positive way.

People like Joshua and Caleb who were part of the explorer team that explored the promised land. When Kaleb heard the negative things reported by the other 10 on the team, he immediately understood that this way of reporting would leave the wrong impression. In Numbers 13:30 it says that "“He tried to keep the peace and said, “We should go up and take possession of the land, for we can certainly do it.”

This was a proclamation of their faith! They had the same facts as the other 10 men, but a very different attitude and therein lies the difference!

They saw through the eyes of faith. They did not get carried away by the others, but immediately announced that they were strong enough to conquer the land.

How you look at things can make all the difference in how you stand in faith.

The 10 spies said: 31“We can’t attack those people; they are stronger than we are.” 32They spread rumors among the people.

Suddenly the people they saw were ten times bigger and they felt as small as grasshoppers!

What message do you think people accepted? The one that was full of rumours!

Today is no different. There are rumors everywhere that are not true. And it is left to us to determine what the truth is!

And that only works through the insights God gives us! Through prayer and the guidance of the Holy Spirit.

In John 16:13 we read: "But when he, the Spirit of truth, comes, he will guide you into all the truth. He will not speak on his own; he will speak only what he hears, and he will tell you what is yet to come.

The Spirit of God is going to make known to us what is to come…. Did you hear him speak today? Have you heard him say what the future will bring? Have you heard the voice that says, "You can do all things through Christ, who strengthens you?" Philippians 4:13

I think you're beginning to understand what we're dealing with.